Air Loom Exhibition at Cassilhaus in NC

As a Cassilhaus Artist in Residence (2021 - a life changing experience), I am excited to have multiple works in this exhibition. It is a profound honor to be included in such a group of groundbreaking artists. The exhibition opens June 30th with a reception from 1-3pm Eastern time.

From the Cassilhaus website, “AIR LOOM celebrates 15 years of the Cassilhaus Artist-in-Residence program and features the work of 53 of the 61 artists that have been through our program. The curators have focused on work that was produced during the artists’ time at Cassilhaus or later work inspired by their time here. The opening of the exhibition will coincide with a four day celebration where 30 of the artists will come together to meet one another (or re-meet from the 5th and 10th anniversary) and share their common experience here. A wide range of media will be showcased including photography, painting, works on paper, video, poetry, dance, sculpture, book arts, choreography, music, animation, collage, drawing, writing, film, and textile arts.

AIR LOOM is curated by Cassilhaus founders Ellen Cassilly and Frank Konhaus.”

Elizabeth Stone

Visual artist Elizabeth Stone's work explores perception and time by combining her study of photography and drawing with biology. The duality of art and science is a strong influence when considering her own place in the world and the marks that she makes.

MSU Billings, MT Library Lecture Series


Arthur Griffin Award & Griffin Museum of Photography 30th Annual Members Exhibition