UNBOUND 10! Exhibition and Purchase

Two dimensional chemigrams from the You Are Here project #310 and #72 were chosen by @candelabooksandgallery for the Unbound10! Exhibit, July 2 - August 7, 2021. I am grateful to have these two pieces included in this rich showing of contemporary photography.

You Are Here #72 was acquired for the Candela collection. I am very honored. You can read more here. This is an incredible gallery and supporter of the arts.

Elizabeth Stone

Visual artist Elizabeth Stone's work explores perception and time by combining her study of photography and drawing with biology. The duality of art and science is a strong influence when considering her own place in the world and the marks that she makes.


Earthborn: 30 Seconds to 40 Moons Exhibition


Four Degrees: Eco-Anxiety and Climate Change